How to Register for the Online Examination

Step 1: To create an account and start creating tests just go to our website and click Register in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Step 2: There are multiple exam links given, on click of any exam link you will redirect to the registration page of that exam.
Step 3: You have to fill the Personnel details and click on Save and Pay button.
Step 4: You will get credential i.e.usernameand password for exam via Mail and SMS.
Step 5: You have to fill the payment amount for the exam and click on proceed to payment button for further process.
Step 6: Then you have to select Payment mode for exam using online payment gateway to pay amount.
Step 7: If you click on cancel button you will be redirect to Index Page and your payment will fail.
Step 8: After payment you will redirect to login page.
Step 9: As you have got the credential via SMS and mail using that you can login and appear for exam.
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